Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Almost half over!

By tonight our trip will be half over!  We've been so busy that there's been no time to
blog.  We have lots of pictures, but I'm the only one with computer access (small glitch!).
Wish we had a fancy phone to send in lots of stuff to the blog.  Anyhow, we are about to
go to the Gartnerplatz opera house to see "Der Mann im Mond" (The Man in the Moon).
These are tickets I'm paying for through calendar sales, so thanks to all who purchased
a lovely vintage U-M calendar from us (and thanks to Pete Shin who makes them).  We
are having a really great time.  The students are soaking up everything.  We had seen 4 plays
by Sunday night.  Kristin wins the stamina award.  She saw three art museums, went to a 
play and followed that up with a 4 hour opera on Sunday!  I'm having a little trouble posting
photos, but will try to figure out why if I ever get a chance.  We had a small side tour yesterday
about some of the architecture in the city and today after our opera, some are going to JYM
to hear a talk about Berlin.  This was an add-on to the schedule!

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